Welcome to Behind the Built Walls! This blog is dedicated to professionals and citizens who wish to better understand how they can positively contribute to city projects and initiatives. That way, more meaningful progress can be made for communities worldwide. I believe the discussions of this blog will spark the interest of those who want to learn more about the communities that they live in and travel to. Rather than placing the value on the aesthetics of a place, I would like you all to better appreciate the context behind our communities.
Now to introduce myself. My name is Adena and I am the author behind this blog. Although I am an urban planner by education, I am very interested in understanding how to bridge the knowledge gap between city officials and citizens. I am also a traveller at heart. I am always wanting to learn about and explore new cities. I thought this blog would be the perfect way to share what I have observed and create an empowered community of individuals who wish to better cities across the globe.
Unless otherwise stated, all photographs and opinions are my own. Please refrain from using without credit.
“Cities have the capability of providing something for everybody, only because and only when, they are created by everybody” – Jane Jacobs